brigid keary
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About Brigid

I believe that if you meet trauma and fear at its deepest roots you can live your life free from your past


I made the switch from corporate lawyer to hypnotherapist and healer to help people make positive change in their lives. I found hypnotherapy after suffering from burnout. I was sick to death of talking about what was wrong with me and my life. I needed to find my way back to me.

I am an intuitive hypnotherapist and healer who helps you remember who you are so you can set yourself free and thrive.   Click here to make a time to talk to me

About Transformation with Hypnotherapy


Hypnotherapy is a safe, non-invasive way to create lasting change. Hypnosis helps to access the unconscious mind and create change by introducing new responses, thoughts, attitudes, behaviours or feelings, creating new habits or beliefs that support your goal or intention. Learn more about Hypnotherapy and how it can help you.


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Orange, NSW 2800


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