

brigid keary

I believe you will live your best life if you stop being a people pleaser


All my life I ground my way through what was expected of me. Pushing through law school and into a Big Law Firm where I was expected to make partnership and have children along the way.  I let the people around me decide who I was.

In my struggle to thrive as a lawyer, I allowed others to trample my boundaries, use my time without question and I let myself work until I was completely burned out. 

And all the while I was looking over my shoulder to see if the truth would catch me.  Always wondering just how fast I had to go to outrun the fear that I was not enough.

The soundtrack of my childhood was smashing furniture, burning clothes, fists through doors and faces.  I spent thousands of hours and dollars sitting on squeaky leather couches talking about my unhappy childhood.

Talking, talking, talking about the terror, the fear, the wounds but I couldn't talk my way out of being depleted, anxious and depressed.  So those deep-seated fears and beliefs continued to brew inside me.  Until one day, I found myself standing 60 feet above the heaving ocean.  I honestly did not believe that life would ever be any different. I thought that everyone and everything would be better off without me.

Then I discovered hypnotherapy and started to forge a pathway out of the fear. No more talking, well, at least not by me. No more telling the same old tired, well-worn stories. The healing magic of those powerful, positive words interwoven with a soothing theta state acted like a balm to repair my soul. Allowing me to retrieve the shattered parts of me. 

And while it may have taken a lifetime of running and hiding, I finally woke up. I left my job in corporate law, I left my partner and started over. I realised I was more than enough.

For the last decade I have been using hypnotherapy and my intuitive gifts to help others get to the root cause of what is holding them back and live their life free from the past.

My experience includes:

  • Diplomas in Clinical Hypnotherapy, Neuro Linguistic Programming and Stress Management – Academy of Advanced Changework

  • Reiki Master and Teacher – Usui Reiki

  • Past Life Regression Therapist – The Weiss Institute

  • Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner – The Marisa Peer School

  • Kinetic Shift Practitioner  - UK Hypnosis Academy

  • Over 30 years in professional services

  • 17 years working remotely and managing virtual teams.

I am also a CrossFitter who is has embraced her inner witch, with a passion for cooking and a daily quest to capture the perfect nature snap on my iPhone. Follow me on Instagram for more.

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